Full Name : Adjeng Inez Nugroho
Nickname : Ajeng
Height / weight : 170 cm / 50 kg
Occupation : Photo & Commercial model , Actress and Presenter
Education : Student
Hobby : Sports, Automotive, Shopping, Gadget
Size : Shirts S : Pants 28 : Bra 34 : Shoes : 38
Entertainment areas of recognition as something fun. No wonder when Ajeng Inez Nugroho has since I was in high school. Her career began as a photo model, advertising models, stand up and pursue world guide sinetron and presenter.
Now, along with increasing age, his career was more complete. Whatever she's dealing with live entertainment. Inez Nugroho, so her name is called, does not even hesitate appointed wardrobe care.

Nickname : Ajeng
Height / weight : 170 cm / 50 kg
Occupation : Photo & Commercial model , Actress and Presenter
Education : Student
Hobby : Sports, Automotive, Shopping, Gadget
Size : Shirts S : Pants 28 : Bra 34 : Shoes : 38

Now, along with increasing age, his career was more complete. Whatever she's dealing with live entertainment. Inez Nugroho, so her name is called, does not even hesitate appointed wardrobe care.