Someone on a message board I frequent mentioned this movie and my mind immediately went back to this positively inane video for it performed by Jermaine Jackson. The movie starred John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis and if I remember correctly, Travolta played a Rolling Stone reporter looking to expose the seedy underbelly of the aerobics classes. The video features lots of spandex, headbands and Jermaine co-leading a class with the aforementioned Jamie Lee Curtis. It's just comedic gold.
The thing about Jermaine Jackson is that no matter how cheesy and weird he is, he still managed to make no less than three music videos that made lasting impressions on me in my formative years--"Perfect", that video he did with Pia Zadora, and that other video with Iman (where she did what she did when she did what she did to he.) Because of those videos, I can't really hate on the man, even though he named his poor son Jermajesty.
Is there any celebrity out there that you are embarrassed to admit in public that you actually kind of like?
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